800+ FREE Character Traits Record (+ The way to Develop a Good Character)

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Character Traits 101: The Final Information

So that you need to develop into a greater individual by constructing good character traits?

Maybe, you’d wish to be extra “variety,” “loving” or “beneficiant.”

Or present “self-discipline”, “persistence” or “grit.”

At this level, the sceptics might say: “However that’s unattainable!” or “I used to be born this fashion!”

The excellent news is, they don’t know what they’re speaking about.

Altering your character isn’t solely doable, it’s easy.

After all, easy doesn’t imply fast or simple.

Creating a very good character takes sacrifice, persistence and energy.

However the rewards are effectively value it.

As a result of the one distinction between you and your heroes is character.

And when you know the way to reforge your nature, their footsteps develop into simpler to comply with.

However what are character traits actually? Which of them do you have to work on? And how will you change who you’re?

By the tip of this text, you’ll have solutions to all these questions.

You’ll even have:

Prepared to start out? Let’s start!

What Are Character Traits?

One solution to higher perceive character traits is to outline three carefully associated concepts: core values, persona traits and character traits.

Although typically used interchangeably, these phrases have distinct definitions:

  • Core values are the handful of issues (together with character traits) you care most about;
  • Persona traits are the high-level qualities that outline “who” you’re; and
  • Character traits are ALL the micro-habits of thought and motion that outline “what” you do.

Let’s dive slightly deeper…

Core Values vs. Character Traits

Be aware: For extra on this matter, see this final information to core values.

Core Values vs. Character Traits

There are two important variations between core values and character traits.

First, your core values can embody many issues that AREN’T character traits.

Positive, your listing of core values would possibly embody optimistic character traits like “braveness”, “persistence” or “kindness”. However they may additionally embody many issues that aren’t character traits, like “your loved ones’s happiness”, or “your buyer’s satisfaction”.

Second, you might have many FEWER core values than character traits.

Your character traits describe ALL the micro-habits that affect your selections. That’s a really lengthy listing. In the meantime, your values describe the handful of issues that matter most while you’re compelled to prioritise and make compromises. Like selecting between “your loved ones’s happiness” or “hard-work”.

TLDR; your core values are NOT the identical factor as your character traits.

Be aware: For extra on this matter, see this final information to core values.

Nonetheless with me? Alright, let’s speak about…

Persona Traits vs. Character Traits

Be aware: For extra on this matter, see this final information to persona.

Personality Traits vs. Character Traits

Your persona traits are a subset of important character traits that give an total impression of “who” you’re.

Which character traits precisely? You’ll discover virtually as many opinions on that as you’ll discover persona assessments on the web.

One of the vital analysed (and widespread) hypotheses at this time is the The Massive 5 Stock (the BFI) which defines persona by individuals’s scores throughout 5 important character traits:

  • Openness to expertise – Ingenious/curious vs. constant/cautious;
  • Conscientiousness – Environment friendly/organised vs. extravagant/careless;
  • Extraversion – Outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved;
  • Agreeableness – Pleasant/compassionate vs. essential/rational and
  • Neuroticism – Delicate/nervous vs. resilient/assured.

That mentioned, it’s value mentioning that “persona” isn’t a precise (or formalised) science.

And but from the large 5 to MBTIs to enneagrams to temperament assessments, there’s one factor that every one trait-based persona measures agree on:

TLDR; your persona traits are NOT the identical as your character traits. They’re a subset of them.

Be aware: For extra on this matter, see this final information to persona.

Inner vs. Exterior Character Traits

Earlier than we shut up, a fast be aware on inside vs. exterior character traits:

  • Inner character traits are the inner micro-habits that drive our behaviour;
  • Exterior character traits are the exterior traits others see;

Whereas exterior character traits normally embody bodily traits like peak, weight and hair color, they’ll additionally embody exterior manifestations of inside traits (e.g., grumpy face, shabby garments.)

Once we speak about constructing good character, we’re occupied with inside character traits.

We’re not occupied with creating good impressions. We’re occupied with inside → out change.

If we deal with altering our inside traits, the outer traits will take care of themselves.

Character Traits Definition (Recap)

Fast recap:

  • Core values are the handful of issues (together with character traits) you care most about;
  • Persona traits are the high-level qualities that outline “who” you’re; and
  • Character traits are ALL the micro-habits of thought and motion that outline “what” you do.

I’m not right here to show you to say fairly phrases or develop into a very good actor. The aim is that will help you redefine the core of your being.

Core values are the few issues that matter, optimistic persona traits are a subset of your character however optimistic character traits go proper to the guts of us. They’re deep-seated, long-term patterns of motion, response and compromise that develop into onerous to faux once we’re wired or drained.

Record of Character Traits Examples

One other nice solution to perceive traits is with a number of examples.

To that finish, I’ve compiled an extended listing of good character traits from numerous sources: Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations (Abstract), Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Extremely Efficient Folks (Abstract), spiritual texts and even handbooks for aspiring samurai and chivalric knights.

This listing isn’t exhaustive – you’ll be able to obtain an extended one above. However what you’ll discover beneath is a complete assortment of 99 frequent good traits and private attributes from high-quality sources. I’ve additionally supplemented them with definitions, based mostly totally on the Oxford English Dictionary.

Don’t let this listing overwhelm you. Skim by it, let it soak and be happy to make be aware of any traits that notably encourage you. Whenever you’re accomplished, we’ll cowl a sensible step-by-step course of to construct them into your life.

Right here’s the listing of…

99 Constructive Character Traits Examples

  1. Lively – Alert, full of life and able to have interaction energetically. 🏃‍♂️
  2. Adaptive – Keen to alter in response to circumstances.
  3. Affability – Pleasant, good-natured or simple to speak to.
  4. Affectionate – Displaying fondness or tenderness.
  5. Alert – Clear-thinking and intellectually energetic.
  6. Formidable – Having need and dedication to realize success. 💯
  7. Attentive – Displaying cautious consideration to the consolation or needs of others.
  8. Austere – Disowning comforts or luxuries.
  9. Balanced – Having fun with concord and stability. ⚖️
  10. Benevolent – Being well-meaning.
  11. Cautious – Prudent and exhibiting thought or consideration.
  12. Characterful – Displaying energy and originality in a single’s nature.
  13. Charitable – Form and tolerant in judging others.
  14. Artistic – Displaying inventiveness and use of creativeness. 🖊️
  15. Compassionate – Displaying sympathy and concern for others.
  16. Assured – Sure in a single’s value, talents and qualities.
  17. Thoughtful – Displaying cautious thought to not inconvenience or hurt others.
  18. Cooperative – Complying readily with requests to realize mutual ends.
  19. Brave – Capable of do issues that one fears.
  20. Curious – Displaying a powerful need to know or study new issues.
  21. Reliable – Being reliable and dependable.
  22. Decided – Displaying firmness of goal. 💪
  23. Diligent – Working fastidiously and persistently.
  24. Disciplined – Doing what one is aware of they need to do (even when they don’t really feel prefer it).
  25. Dispassionate – Remaining rational and neutral.
  26. Dutiful – Carefully or obediently fulfilling one’s responsibility.
  27. Encouraging – Giving others help, confidence or hope.
  28. Energetic – Displaying or involving nice exercise or vitality. 🔥
  29. Enthusiastic – Displaying intense and keen enjoyment, curiosity or approval.
  30. Glorious – Being excellent or extraordinarily good. 👌
  31. Trustworthy – Remaining loyal and steadfast.
  32. Versatile – Prepared and in a position to adapt to totally different circumstances.
  33. Forgiving – Feeling no anger or resentment to offences or errors.
  34. Pleasant – Being beneficial and serviceable to others.
  35. Frugal – Sparing or economical with cash or meals.
  36. Beneficiant – Prepared to provide greater than obligatory or anticipated.
  37. Gritty – Displaying braveness, resolve and energy of character.
  38. Laborious-working – Working with power and dedication. 👷
  39. Harmonious – Being free from disagreement or dissent.
  40. Sincere – Freed from deceit; truthful and honest.
  41. Honourable – Realizing and doing what’s morally proper.
  42. Hopeful – Feeling or inspiring optimism a few future occasion.
  43. Humble– Having a modest or low view of 1’s significance.
  44. Unbiased – Considering and performing for oneself.
  45. Industrious – Diligent and hard-working.
  46. Integrous – Sincere and of robust ethical ideas.
  47. Initiative – Assessing issues and taking motion independently.
  48. Simply – Behaving in accordance to what’s morally proper and truthful.
  49. Form – Being pleasant, beneficiant, and thoughtful.
  50. Liberal – Respecting behaviour and opinions totally different from one’s personal.
  51. Listening – Take discover of and make an effort to listen to others. 👂
  52. Energetic – Vigorous and power; energetic and outgoing.
  53. Logical – Appearing based mostly on clear, sound reasoning.
  54. Loving – Feeling and exhibiting deep, selfless affection for others.
  55. Loyal – Displaying agency and fixed help or allegiance.
  56. Merciful – Displaying compassion or forgiveness to those that harmed one.
  57. Methodical – Orderly and systematic in thought or behaviour.
  58. Conscious – Aware and conscious of the current second.
  59. Reasonable – Avoiding extra or extremes.
  60. Modest – Unassuming within the estimation of 1’s talents.
  61. Neat – Tidy, sensible, or well-organized.
  62. Open-minded – Accepting of and receptive to alter or new concepts.
  63. Orderly – Neat and methodical. 📁
  64. Organised – Structured, systematic and planning successfully.
  65. Passionate – Having, exhibiting, or pushed by robust emotions or beliefs.
  66. Affected person – Ready with out getting bored with ready.
  67. Persistent – Persevering with firmly regardless of problem or opposition.
  68. Well mannered – Appearing respectfully and considerately.
  69. Pragmatic – Appearing sensibly, realistically and virtually.
  70. Prudent – Displaying care and thought for the long run.
  71. Punctual – Doing issues at agreed or correct occasions.
  72. Purposeful – Displaying dedication or resolve.
  73. High quality – Displaying normal excellence of ordinary or degree.
  74. Rational – Considering and performing in accordance with purpose or logic. 🤔
  75. Cheap – Having sound judgement; truthful and smart.
  76. Dependable – Constantly good in high quality or efficiency.
  77. Resolute – Admirably purposeful, decided, and unwavering.
  78. Respectful – Displaying regard for the sentiments, needs or rights of others.
  79. Righteous – Appearing in accordance to what’s morally appropriate.
  80. Self-discipline – Doing what one is aware of they need to do (even when they don’t really feel prefer it).
  81. Self-control – Managing feelings and needs effectively in tough conditions.
  82. Silent – Extra susceptible to pay attention than to talk.
  83. Honest – Free from pretence or deceit.
  84. Easy – Presenting no problem to others.
  85. Steady – Unchanging; not simply upset or disturbed.
  86. Steadfast – Resolutely or dutifully agency and unwavering.
  87. Robust – Not simply disturbed, upset, or affected.
  88. Supportive – Offering encouragement or emotional assist to others.
  89. Temperate – Displaying moderation and self-restraint.
  90. Thrifty – Utilizing assets fastidiously and never wastefully.
  91. Tidy – Neat, orderly and managed.
  92. Truthful – Telling or expressing the reality; sincere.
  93. Reliable – Capable of be relied on as sincere or truthful. 🤝
  94. Unselfish – Placing the wants or needs of others earlier than one’s personal.
  95. Valiant – Possessing or exhibiting braveness or dedication.
  96. Important – Being robust, energetic and energetic.
  97. Heat – Displaying enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.
  98. Sensible – Displaying expertise, data, and good judgement.
  99. Zany – Amusingly unconventional and authentic.
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Need extra? Obtain the complete FREE printable listing of 800+ character traits.

99 Adverse Character Traits Examples

P.s., Right here’s a bonus listing of 99 frequent adverse character traits with definitions 🙌🚀

  1. Abrasive – Displaying little concern for others.
  2. Affected – Synthetic and pretentious.
  3. Aloof – Not pleasant or forthcoming.
  4. Conceited – Having an inflated sense of oneself and/or talents.
  5. Bland – Leaving no robust impression.
  6. Boorish – Tough and bad-mannered.
  7. Bossy – Keen on giving individuals orders.
  8. Brittle – Laborious however simply breakable.
  9. Calculating – Scheming and ruthlessly decided.
  10. Callous – Displaying a merciless disregard for others.
  11. Coarse – Impolite or vulgar.
  12. Immodest – Excessively pleased with oneself.
  13. Deceitful – Deceptive others for private acquire.
  14. Devious – Utilizing underhand techniques to realize targets.
  15. Soiled – Counting on dishonest and dishonourable behaviour.
  16. Dishonest – Behaving in an untrustworthy method.
  17. Selfish – Considering solely of oneself.
  18. Erratic – Unpredictable, unreliable.
  19. Etiolated – Missing vigour or substance.
  20. Extravagant – Missing restraint in spending assets.
  21. Faithless – Disloyal (particularly of a accomplice or partner).
  22. False – Disloyal, untrue, misleading.
  23. Fickle – Altering loyalties rapidly and ceaselessly.
  24. Silly – Missing good sense or judgement.
  25. Fidgety – Unable to sit down or maintain nonetheless.
  26. Garish – Lurid and unattractively vibrant or showy.
  27. Grasping – Having an extreme need or urge for food.
  28. Gross – Impolite, coarse, fats or bloated.
  29. Grumpy – Dangerous tempered or irritable.
  30. Harsh – Unpleasantly tough or jarring.
  31. Hateful – Arousing, deserving of or full of hatred.
  32. Hesitant – Unable to make a agency choice.
  33. Hidebound – Unwilling or unable to alter.
  34. Ignorant – Missing data and consciousness.
  35. Impatient – Fast to be irritated by others.
  36. Impudent – Failing to indicate respect for others.
  37. Insincere – Not expressing real emotions.
  38. Jaded – Bored or missing enthusiasm.
  39. Jealous – Envious or resentful of different individuals’s success.
  40. Jerk – Being contemptibly silly.
  41. Judgmental – Being overly essential of others.
  42. Jumped-up – Considering your self extra necessary than you truly are.
  43. Kooky – Unusual or eccentric.
  44. Klutzy – Awkward and/or silly.
  45. Knavish – Dishonest and unscrupulous.
  46. Lackadaisical – Missing enthusiasm or dedication.
  47. Lazy – Unwilling to work or use power.
  48. Licentious – Promiscuous and sexually unprincipled.
  49. Malicious – Meaning to hurt others.
  50. Mawkish – Falsely or exaggeratedly sentimental.
  51. Imply – Being unkind, spiteful or unfair.
  52. Depressing – Wretchedly sad or uncomfortable.
  53. Nagging – Consistently harassing different individuals.
  54. Naive – Displaying a scarcity of expertise.
  55. Adverse – Being pessimistic.
  56. Negligent – Displaying a careless inattentiveness.
  57. Obnoxious – Being extraordinarily disagreeable.
  58. Obsessive – Being recklessly and compulsively absorbed.
  59. Oleaginous – Exaggeratedly or distastefully complimentary.
  60. Opinionated – Characterised by immodest assertiveness.
  61. Paranoid – Unreasonably or obsessively anxious.
  62. Perverse – Being intentionally unreasonable.
  63. Petty – Being small-mindedly spiteful over trivial issues.
  64. Quarrelsome – Liable to arguing about every thing.
  65. Querulous – Being petulantly whiny and complaining.
  66. Reckless – Being heedless of the implications of 1’s actions.
  67. Repugnant – Being extraordinarily distasteful or unacceptable.
  68. Resentful – Expressing bitterness and indignation.
  69. Ridiculous – Deserving derision or mockery.
  70. Sadistic – Having fun with inflicting ache to others.
  71. Scruffy – Shabby and untidy or soiled.
  72. Scornful – Expressing contempt or derision.
  73. Secretive – Inclined to hide issues from others.
  74. Egocentric – Missing consideration for others.
  75. Shallow – Valuing solely superficial thought or traits.
  76. Shiftless – Being lazy, indolent and missing ambition.
  77. Sneaky – Going behind somebody’s again.
  78. Tactless – Displaying lack of talent/sensitivity in coping with others.
  79. Tardy – Being often late for issues.
  80. Tasteless – Being thoughtless or missing aesthetics.
  81. Terse – Abrupt and sparing in the usage of phrases.
  82. Inconsiderate – Missing consideration for others.
  83. Treacherous – Responsible of betrayal and deception.
  84. Uncaring – Missing consideration for others.
  85. Uncharitable – Being unkind and unsympathetic.
  86. Unctuous – Excessively flattering or ingratiating.
  87. Unforgiving – Harsh, hostile and unable to forgive others.
  88. Unkind – Being thoughtless and harsh in direction of others.
  89. Unprincipled – Not performing in accordance with primary ethical ideas.
  90. Vacuous – Displaying lack of thought or intelligence.
  91. Venal – Corrupt and inclined to bribery.
  92. Venomous – Being filled with malice or spite.
  93. Vindictive – Displaying an unreasoning need for revenge.
  94. Weak – Missing decision or energy.
  95. Depraved – Disagreeable, evil and fallacious.
  96. Wishy-washy – Feeble and missing substance.
  97. Xenophobic – Being prejudiced in direction of strangers.
  98. Yellow-bellied – Cowardly.
  99. Zealous – Passionate past or encourage of purpose.
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Need extra? Obtain the complete FREE printable listing of 800+ character traits.

800 Character Traits Record PDF (Printable)

NOTE: You’ll be able to ship your self an enormous listing of 800 optimistic, impartial and adverse character traits – together with many synonyms, although with out definitions – utilizing this way.

I made it to assist my college students enhance their very own characters, however you’ll discover it helpful whether or not you’re enhancing your individual character, creating a fictional character or crafting lesson plans and assessments to assist college students in center faculty, highschool (and past) suppose by the underlying values that drive an individual’s conduct.

And should you’re right here since you’re a author, you would possibly take pleasure in this superior put up on the way to discover freelance writing jobs from my buddy Kevin whilst you’re at it!

The way to Embody Good Character Traits

The key to creating good character traits is realising that every trait is a constellation of deep-seated habits.

For instance, “modesty” describes many small routines of thought, phrase and deed which create patterns of behaviour which might be in step with our concept of “modest.”

However right here’s the problem. As a result of not like huge habits, the “constructing blocks” of character traits are onerous to pick and isolate.

What are “tolerance,” “curiosity” or “acceptance”? Defining the sums by their elements is a difficult activity. And, even when we may identidy these hundreds of sub-habits, they’d be too many to work on.

That’s why the method to character traits have to be barely totally different from how we construct habits.

From Enter to Output-Primarily based Monitoring

What we want is a system just like behavior hacking however extra output-focussed. This method measures the outcomes of our actions, quite than whether or not or not they befell.

The answer (first described in Benjamin Franklin’s wonderful Autobiography) is to flip behavior monitoring on its head. As a substitute of monitoring habits (enter) to alter your behaviours (output), you’ll observe behaviours (output) to change your habits (enter).

Particularly, you’re going to trace each behaviour that fails to align along with your desired character trait.

5 Steps to Hacking Your Character Traits

If this clarification sounds overwhelming, the excellent news is that it’s time to get sensible. Constructing new traits into your character is extremely easy and has 5 foolproof steps:

Let’s have a look at every step in additional element.

Step 1: Establish Good Character Traits That Encourage You

Step one in our course of is to establish a handful of optimistic traits that encourage you.

Constructing character traits is an extended journey. Beginning with those who excite you (quite than these you suppose you ought to work on) will make you extra prone to succeed.

There are two important methods to deal with this: the lengthy listing method or the hero method.

  • For the lengthy listing method – re-read the listing of excellent character traits above and be aware any traits that bounce at you. Don’t overthink it. It is best to simply discover 10 or extra concepts in a couple of minutes.
  • For the hero method – make a listing of the those who encourage you probably the most. Lifeless or alive, truth or fiction, all decisions are good. When that’s accomplished, replicate on the 2 or three traits you most look as much as in every of these individuals.

Each approaches work effectively, although one huge benefit of the hero method is that it unlocks one thing I name “hero-based pondering.

Picturing your hero and fascinated about what they’d do in a given state of affairs makes the entire course of extra enjoyable and provoking. Many choices and trade-offs develop into simpler to make.

Step 2: Prioritise ONE Trait at a Time

Though the method of creating character traits is straightforward, it may also be difficult. Taking over too many traits directly might maintain you again from altering something. The answer is to start out with one, then add extra as you go.

To select the ONE character trait it is best to begin with, have a look at your shortlist and ask:

“Which of those traits would most rework my life if I embodied it?”

Slender your choice to some candidates, then decide ONE to get began with.

An enormous a part of you goes to need to deal with three, 4 or 5 values directly. My advice is to strongly resist that temptation.

You’ll be able to consider it this fashion. If you happen to may embody even ONE trait like “self-discipline” or “kindness,” there’s a very good probability you’d change past recognition. Why let impatience put that chance in danger?

Begin with one trait to maximise your odds of succeeding. You’ll be able to at all times come again for extra later.

Step 3: Set Your Trait Up for Success

Loners don’t final lengthy within the wild. That’s why all of us have an insatiable drive to “slot in.” It’s additionally why the strongest affect in your actions is the behaviour of the individuals you hang around with.

Regardless of how pushed you’re to alter, you’ll battle should you encompass your self with lazy individuals. Every time you begin making progress, your unconscious will attempt to drag you again in keeping with the group.

Conversely, it’s onerous not to be extra “disciplined,” “curious” or “grateful” if the individuals you meet every day have these traits. Somewhat than turning into an outsider, you’ll naturally take motion to slot in with their characters.

The upshot is that this: If you happen to don’t have the character trait you need, there’s a very good probability the individuals round you don’t have it both. However if you wish to develop it, you should do no matter it takes to change that equation.

Change the world you reside in, the job you’re employed, the books you learn, the locations you hang around or the hobbies you take pleasure in. Search for methods to spend time with individuals you’d fortunately commerce locations with. Do it offline, do it on-line. Do it one, three, then 5 days per week.

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Simply do it.

Set your self up for achievement and also you’ll surf proper into the seashore.

Struggle the present and also you’re in for an extended, tiring swim.

Step 4: Make Your Trait a Behavior.

As with behavior hacking, one of the vital highly effective methods to develop a character trait is to trace it. This creates the main target, readability and accountability it’s essential to see lasting change.

However assessing whether or not or not you had been “loving” at this time is hard. Even should you may do it, that’d imply an awesome variety of ✘s in your tracker earlier than you might say you developed a trait. These ✘s would cowl up the genuinely useful particulars of your progress.

Would it not make extra sense to trace the person cases of being “simply” or “loyal” as a solution to measure your development? Not essentially.

The catch right here is that this. Even should you counted 50 cases of “loyalty” at this time, you might overlook the 100 cases of “unloyalty” that additionally befell.

To maintain issues easy, it’s extra useful to depend the adverse cases of a character trait, as a substitute of positives. That method, you’ll be able to ensure that you keep away from being the individual you don’t need to be.

The sensible resolution is that this: Each night, overview the day and be aware of every time you didn’t stay as much as a trait. To recollect it higher, you need to use time monitoring to assist jog your reminiscence.

As you string increasingly days collectively, your tracker will look one thing like this:

TRACKTION Character Traits And Values Tracker - Complete

Over time, you’ll begin recognizing developments in your actions. With out fascinated about it, you’ll naturally make interventions to enhance your behaviour. You’ll additionally get a significantly better concept of what the character trait in query actually means to you.

One final phrase of recommendation: Do not forget that when tackling a character trait, you’re not altering one behavior. You’re altering hundreds of them. What’s extra, the habits which might be essential to your trait may additionally be probably the most deep-seated and unconscious ones. Rooting them out will take time.

That’s why it’s essential to be affected person with your self and maintain at it. In due time, you received’t be capable of recognise the individual you as soon as had been.

Step 5: Repeat the Course of.

When you’ve obtained a very good maintain on one character trait (or, in case your priorities shift to a different space of your life), be happy to start out engaged on the following.

If you happen to’re utilizing the values tracker within the TRACKTION Planner or FREE productiveness templates, shift your current traits one area to the precise and start monitoring your new trait within the furthest-left column.

Over time, it’s possible you’ll develop your listing of traits to as many as 5 energetic targets directly. A few of them might take months, and even years, to develop.

If you happen to get overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to chop again down to at least one character trait. Belief the method. And don’t fear if it takes lengthy to make progress.

Although the method is straightforward, altering your character isn’t simple. However the rewards while you get there are value it.

Character Traits FAQs

What Are Examples of Traits?

What Are Some Widespread Traits?

What Is Good Character?

The extra optimistic character traits an individual constantly lives by, the higher and extra dependable their character turns into. To develop a very good character, then, it’s essential to decide optimistic core values and work onerous to stay by them. Desire a lengthy listing of optimistic character traits and a step-by-step information to constructing good character? Try this final information.

What Is Dangerous Character?

Dangerous character is the other of excellent character. The extra adverse character traits an individual lives by, the more serious their character turns into. If you happen to don’t actively work on constructing your character, you received’t pay attention to the adverse character traits you could have acquired. Desire a lengthy listing of character traits and a step-by-step information to turning into extra like your heroes? Try this final information.

What Defines a Particular person’s Character?

An individual’s character is outlined by their habits of pondering, talking and performing. That is very true when individuals are beneath strain, as they’re extra prone to “present their true colors“. The excellent news? Character traits are like habits. You can change them fairly simply when you know the way. Wish to study extra? Try this final step-by-step information to hacking your character.

What Are Some Constructive Character Traits?

What Are Some Adverse Character Traits?

What Is a Record of Character Traits?

Dwelling Your Persona Traits: Subsequent Actions

That’s it! We’ve lined every thing it’s essential to rework your character traits.

What do you have to do subsequent? Easy:

  1. Record all of the character traits from TAoL’s listing of excellent traits that you’d be excited to work on;
  2. Record the those who encourage you and add their greatest traits to your listing;
  3. Decide ONE character trait that might most rework your life;

(If you happen to’ve accomplished a Wheel of Life on web page 6 of the TRACKTION Planner, your ONE trait ought to relate to your lowest scoring space of life.)

  1. Make a listing of individuals who might sabotage or help your progress;
  2. Set actions to spend extra time with the supportive individuals;
  3. Open your TRACKTION Planner to web page 8;
  4. Write your new character trait within the first column of the worth tracker;
  5. Add as much as 4 extra traits to the remaining columns;
  6. Set targets for the week forward; and
  7. Resolve to behave as should you already embodied your major character trait.

That’s all there’s to it!

As I mentioned at first of this information: the one distinction between you and your heroes is character. Whenever you reforge your nature, you’ll discover their footsteps surprisingly simple to comply with.

For that, there’s no method as efficient as character trait monitoring.

So get to work!

➡️ Obtain TAoL‘s FREE productiveness templates.

➡️ Get your first TRACKTION Planner.

➡️ Work by the guidelines above.

➡️ Get in contact and inform me what character trait you’ll work on.

And bear in mind:

“You can not dream your self into a personality; you should hammer and forge one your self.” – James Anthony Froude

Want There Was a Sooner/Simpler Means?

Everytime you’re prepared, listed below are 4 methods I may help you be extra productive, discover extra stability and stay life extra on goal…

  1. Curious? Uncover how productive you actually are… Take this free, 2-minute evaluation to unlock your PQ and uncover the highest 25 habits it’s essential to get huge issues accomplished. Take the 2-minute quiz →
  2. Overwhelmed? Get a free chapter of my e-book… Let me present you the way to beat procrastination, completely, with this free sneak peek inside TAoL’s final productiveness primer. Obtain your free chapter →
  3. Caught? Seize a 90-Day TRACKTION Planner… Get the instrument hundreds belief to assist them take management of their time, grasp their habits and hit targets in each a part of their lives. Order your 90-day planner →
  4. Burned out? Be part of the TRACKTION Neighborhood… Take the 6-week masterclass, get weekly group teaching, discover accountability companions and join with like-minded self-starters. Get began FREE →

Character Traits List Guide