Finest Philosophy Books: 60+ Philosophical Books (Ranked)

Best Philosophy Books

Searching for one of the best philosophy books of all time? You’re in the correct place.

On this set of ebook suggestions, I’ve gathered and ranked one of the best philosophical books of all time into an final philosophy studying checklist.

It wasn’t straightforward. And it’s nonetheless a piece in progress.

Why? Nicely, for a begin, philosophy is a large matter. Its texts will be major (books of philosophy) or secondary (books about philosophy). They are often sensible or theoretical. They are often fiction and nonfiction. They straddle all human historical past and thought.

And second, I’m not a philosophy professor. Which is why I’ve spent hours researching and gathering lots of of philosophical books into an extended checklist, then used a data-driven, in-house algorithm to curate the shortlist of greatest philosophy books under.

My purpose? I’ve tried to provide a holistic overview of the perfect philosophy books of all time – one which doesn’t simply concentrate on twentieth Century or Western philosophy – to assist me discover as a lot essential philosophical floor and canopy as a lot philosophical thought as I can, as shortly and effectively as doable.

Why these books and never others? Besides the place they’re ordered alphabetically, one of the best philosophy books under are the highest picks from my grasp database, ranked by a mix of Goodreads ranking, the variety of Goodreads evaluations and first publication date. The purpose is to provide a superb stability of what’s most beloved, what’s hottest and what’s delivered timelessly related recommendation.

And lastly, the place must you begin? That basically depends upon three issues:

  1. What are you most eager about?
  2. How a lot are you aware already? and
  3. How a lot time do you’ve?

My plan is to alternate between introductory and first texts (in all probability in a 1 to three ratio) with some philosophical fiction thrown in for respite till I’ve received a superb deal with on the fundamentals matter. At that time, I’ll regroup and reassess.

Your method will rely in your solutions to the questions above.

No matter you determine, don’t overlook: studying philosophy (and learning usually) is an incremental and iterative course of.

There’s a superb probability you received’t perceive a lot of the primary 5 major texts you learn – and that’s OK. By the sixth ebook, you’ll be beginning to put issues collectively. By the tenth ebook, you’ll be itching to revisit your first selections.

The key? The one strategy to ebook 6 (and past) is by way of ebook 1. So get to it!

Decide a ebook from the checklist of greatest philosophy books under and begin studying.

And I’ll sit up for listening to your ideas and recommendations very quickly.

P.s., For some extra assistance on working your approach by way of this checklist, be sure you take a look at this abstract of Adler and van Doren’s superior How To Learn A E-book.

Table of Contents

Finest Philosophy Books: Desk Of Contents

I’ve break up one of the best philosophy books under into 4 completely different sections:

  1. Finest Introductions To Philosophy – Secondary introductions and guides;
  2. Non secular Texts – Major, philosophical non secular texts;
  3. 60 Finest Philosophical Nonfiction Books – Major, non-religious nonfiction; and
  4. 20 Finest Philosophical Fiction Books – Major, non-religious fiction.

Assume one thing’s lacking? Depart a remark or electronic mail me and I’ll add it to the following spherical of updates. I truthfully love listening to from you (and your recommendations profit everybody) so please, do get in contact!

Finest Introductions To Philosophy

Listed below are the highest introductions and guides I might discover to philosophy from numerous completely different elements of the world. Areas organised alphabetically.

Introductions to African Philosophy

Largely non-Egyptian, non-Islamic and non-Christian.

Introductions to East Asian & Indian Philosophy

There are A LOT of nice guides to the numerous, deep and different East Asian and Indian philosophical traditions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and so on…). I’ve caught to surveys right here to provide as broad an summary as doable.

Introductions to Islamic Philosophy

Largely focussed on medieval islamic philosophy.

Introductions to Mesoamerican Philosophy

I couldn’t discover something nice that didn’t concentrate on the Aztecs. Solutions welcomed!

Introductions to Western Philosophy

The 2, traditional, must-read histories of Western Philosophy.

Non secular Texts

I didn’t need arguments over the rankings of main philosophical non secular texts in my predominant checklist so right here they’re, separated and in alphabetical order under.

  • Holy Bible (1611), Nameless
    King James Model
    1,590 pages. Rated 4.4 over 208,200 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • Mahabharata (-400), Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa
    444 pages. Rated 4.3 over 7,700 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • Qurʾan (609), Nameless
    604 pages. Rated 4.3 over 55,100 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • Ramayana (-400), Vālmīki
    461 pages. Rated 4.1 over 6,000 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • Tanakh (-450), Nameless
    The Holy Scriptures
    1,624 pages. Rated 4.4 over 2,700 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • Tao Te Ching (-300), Lao Tzu
    160 pages. Rated 4.3 over 105,800 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • The Bhagavad Gita (-400), Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa
    160 pages. Rated 4.1 over 51,700 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • The Dhammapada (-400), Nameless
    114 pages. Rated 4.3 over 21,500 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • The Holy Vedas (-1000), Bibek Debroy
    Rig Veda,Yajur Veda Sama Veda and Atharva Veda
    450 pages. Rated 4.2 over <100 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • The I Ching or E-book of Modifications (-850), Nameless
    740 pages. Rated 4.2 over 17,800 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • The Tibetan E-book of the Lifeless (800), Padmasambhava
    535 pages. Rated 4.2 over 7,600 evaluations on Goodreads.
  • The Upanishads (-500), Nameless
    143 pages. Rated 4.2 over 11,800 evaluations on Goodreads.

60 Finest Philosophical Nonfiction Books

Listed below are one of the best philosophy books (major nonfiction) from my database as ranked by what’s most beloved, what’s hottest and what’s remained timelessly related.

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My information comes from Goodreads, whose votes come from an overwhelmingly western readership, therefore the inevitable bias in the direction of books of Western Philosophy. I’m not but certain the way to fight this, though in some unspecified time in the future I’ll attempt to break up this checklist into sections as I’ve for the introductory texts above.

For those who really feel strongly that one thing’s lacking that deserves to be on this checklist of greatest philosophy books, go away a remark!

Books 1-10: The Prime 10 Finest Philosophy Books of All Time

Listed below are the highest 10 greatest philosophy books from my database…

Best Philosophy Books: Apology
1. Apology – Plato (FREE Abstract)

Three highly effective speeches made by Socrates, a founding father of Western Philosophy, in his last defence of knowledge, excellence and his life – by Socrates’s pupil, Aristotle’s instructor and eminent Greek thinker, Plato.

Printed -380 // 127 pages // Rated 4.2 over 31,900 evaluations on Goodreads
Best Philosophy Books: Meditations
2. Meditations – Marcus Aurelius (FREE Abstract)

A deeply humbling and thought-provoking perception into the stoic mindset of certainly one of historical past’s biggest leaders and thinkers – by Roman emperor, thinker and instance to us all, Marcus Aurelius.

Printed 180 // 303 pages // Rated 4.2 over 102,600 evaluations on Goodreads
Best Philosophy Books: Letters from a Stoic
3. Letters from a Stoic – Seneca (Abstract)

A strong and sensible assortment of 124 letters on the way to change into a extra devoted stoic in each side of life, by stoic thinker and tutor to emperor Nero, Seneca the Youthful.

Printed -49 // 256 pages // Rated 4.3 over 18,200 evaluations on Goodreads
Best Philosophy Books: The Symposium
Best Philosophy Books: On the Shortness of Life
Best Philosophy Books: The Art of War
Best Philosophy Books: The Art of Living
Best Philosophy Books: Fragments
Best Philosophy Books: The Constitution of the United States of America
Best Philosophy Books: The Complete Essays

Books 11-60: Extra Nice Philosophy Books to Learn

Listed below are the following 50 books on my checklist of greatest philosophy books of all time…

20 Finest Philosophical Fiction Books

I’m DEFINITELY going to get into bother right here.

When does a bit of fiction change into a bit of philosophical fiction and when is it only a piece of fiction that incorporates some philosophy? I’ll assume extra on this later.

Within the meantime, in the event you really feel strongly a couple of title that’s lacking from this checklist, go away a remark!

  1. Crime and Punishment (1866), Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    671 pages. Rated 4.2 over 580,300 evaluations on Goodreads.
  2. The Brothers Karamazov (1879), Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    796 pages. Rated 4.3 over 226,400 evaluations on Goodreads.
  3. The Little Prince (1943), Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    93 pages. Rated 4.3 over 1,232,400 evaluations on Goodreads.
  4. The Prophet (1923), Kahlil Gibran
    127 pages. Rated 4.2 over 219,400 evaluations on Goodreads.
  5. Siddhartha (1922), Hermann Hesse
    152 pages. Rated 4.0 over 542,800 evaluations on Goodreads.
  6. 1984 (1949), George Orwell
    237 pages. Rated 4.2 over 2,886,700 evaluations on Goodreads.
  7. The Stranger (1942), Albert Camus
    123 pages. Rated 4.0 over 580,900 evaluations on Goodreads.
  8. The Trial (1925), Franz Kafka
    255 pages. Rated 4.0 over 192,900 evaluations on Goodreads.
  9. The Metamorphosis (1915), Franz Kafka
    201 pages. Rated 3.8 over 511,900 evaluations on Goodreads.
  10. Animal Farm (1945), George Orwell
    144 pages. Rated 3.9 over 2,307,500 evaluations on Goodreads.
  11. Candide (1759), Voltaire
    129 pages. Rated 3.8 over 206,300 evaluations on Goodreads.
  12. The Insufferable Lightness of Being (1984), Milan Kundera
    320 pages. Rated 4.1 over 285,900 evaluations on Goodreads.
  13. Within the Penal Colony (1919), Franz Kafka
    52 pages. Rated 4.0 over 14,000 evaluations on Goodreads.
  14. No Exit (1944), Jean-Paul Sartre
    60 pages. Rated 4.1 over 23,500 evaluations on Goodreads.
  15. The Fountainhead (1943), Ayn Rand
    704 pages. Rated 3.9 over 275,600 evaluations on Goodreads.
  16. The Plague (1947), Albert Camus
    308 pages. Rated 4.0 over 133,900 evaluations on Goodreads.
  17. The Citadel (1926), Franz Kafka
    316 pages. Rated 4.0 over 38,600 evaluations on Goodreads.
  18. The Fall (1956), Albert Camus
    147 pages. Rated 4.0 over 70,900 evaluations on Goodreads.
  19. Nausea (1938), Jean-Paul Sartre
    178 pages. Rated 3.9 over 73,400 evaluations on Goodreads.
  20. Utopia (1516), Thomas Extra
    135 pages. Rated 3.5 over 53,900 evaluations on Goodreads.
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Finest Philosophy E-book FAQs

What’s the greatest philosophy ebook to learn?

What books ought to I begin with philosophy?

One of the simplest ways to start out with (and get smitten by) philosophy is to seek out methods to use it to your life. That is why I might suggest beginning your philosophy studying with e.g., Seneca’s Letters From a Stoic or Aurelius’s Meditations. And whenever you’re achieved? Take a look at this checklist of one of the best philosophy books of all time for concepts on what to learn subsequent.

What makes a superb philosophy ebook?

A superb philosophy ebook needs to be well-structure, well-written and constant in the way in which it approaches the query(s) it is tackling. Past that, one of the best books on philosophy are people who change the way in which you see, take into consideration and act on the planet round you. For a range, take a look at this free checklist of one of the best philosophy books of all time.

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