The Best Books on Japanese History

Why a reading list of the best books on Japanese history? Japanese history is a long and complex one, dating back thousands of years. It is traditionally divided into three periods: the prehistoric period, the medieval period, and the modern period. The prehistoric period is believed to have begun around 14,000 BCE, with the first settlers arriving from Southeast Asia. These early Japanese people were hunter-gatherers, and they slowly began to develop agriculture and pottery-making skills. Around 300 BCE, the Japanese archipelago was unified under a single ruler for the first time in its history. This marked the beginning of the medieval period, which was characterized by a series of wars between rival clans.

Ultimately, the Tokugawa clan emerged victorious, and they ruled Japan for over 250 years. In 1868, the Tokugawa shogunate was overthrown, and the Meiji Period began. This was a time of great change for Japan, as Western ideas and technology were introduced. The Meiji Period ended in 1912, and Japan continued to grow and modernize in the following decades. Today, Japanese history is respected and studied all over the world.

Japanese history is a rich and complex subject, spanning millennia of culture, art, and politics. For many people, the history of Japan is shrouded in mystery, making it all the more fascinating. Learning about Japanese history can help to shed light on the country’s unique customs and traditions. It can also provide insights into the Japanese way of thinking, which can be helpful for business negotiations or simply for understanding Japanese pop culture.

If you’re interested in learning more about Japanese history, there are a number of resources available. The internet is a great starting point, but there are also many books and films that can provide valuable insights. With a little effort, you can develop a deeper understanding of this fascinating country and its people.

Japan: A Short History by Mikiso Hane

Japan: A Short History is one of the best books on Japanese history. The author, Mikiso Hane, was Szold Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at Knox College in Illinois and has written several books on Japanese history. In this book, Hane covers the major events in Japanese history, spanning a 10,000-year period, with a particular focus on the last 200 years. He discusses society, culture, economics and politics and also pays special attention to the changing conditions of those whose history is often more hidden – women, peasants and more.

Japan: A Short History is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding Japan and its people. The book is clear and concise, making it one of the least intimidating books on this list.

a history of japan  - best books on Japanese historyA History of Japan by George Sansom

A History of Japan is a 3 volume series of books that covers the country’s history from 1334 to 1867. The author, Sir George Sansom was a British diplomat and historian for pre-modern Japan, known for his historical surveys and his attention to Japanese society and culture. His work on Japanese history is considered pretty definitive and one of the key texts on the topic. This trilogy is very much considered the life work of George Sansom who is perhaps the most distinguished historian who has written on Japan.

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The books describe the growth from tribal origins to an organised state and examines the conflict between a polished urban nobility and a warlike rural gentry. This is one of the most comprehensive and exhaustive books on the topic of Japanese history.

Japan rising  - best books on Japanese historyJapan Rising by Kume Kunitake

Japan Rising is considered one of the best books on Japanese history. Kume Kunitake was a historian in Meiji and Taisho period Japan. During his life, he was an award-winning writer and professor.

Japan Rising documents the happenings in 1871 when Japan sent a high-ranking delegation to USA and Europe to negotiate treaties and trading agreements. They travelled the USA for eight months, before spending time examing the British manufacturing industry, Germany’s armaments and France’s culture. This book tells the tale of this pivotal moment in modern Japan’s history and how it helped transform Japan into the country we know today.

bending adversity  - best books on Japanese historyBending Adversity by David Pilling

Bending Adversity is one of the best books on Japanese history. Pilling presents a fresh vision of Japan, drawing on his own deep experience, as well as observations from a cross-section of Japanese citizenry, including novelist Haruki Murakami, former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi, industrialists and bankers, activists and artists, teenagers and octogenarians. Through their voices, Pilling’s Bending Adversity captures the dynamism and diversity of contemporary Japan.

David Pilling has reported from at least 50 countries over two decades as a foreign correspondent working for the Financial Times. Pilling is also a very skilled writer, making complex topics accessible to a general audience. As a result, Bending Adversity is an essential read for anyone interested in Japanese history.

1964  - best books on Japanese history1964 – The Greatest Year in the History of Japan by Roy Tomizawa

Roy Tomizawa’s 1964 – The Greatest Year in the History of Japan is widely considered to be one of the best books on Japanese history. Roy Tomizawa chronicles how Japan rose from the rubble to embark on the greatest Asian economic miracle of the 20th century. He shares stories from the 1964 Olympics that created a level of alignment and national pride never before seen in Japan, leaving an indelible mark in the psyche of the Japanese for generations.

The book weaves together an amazing array of stories which are connected to the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, but together paint a rich tapestry of Japan’s history. From stories about the Cold War to Godzilla – this one really has it all! The book is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding Japan’s rise to power in the twentieth century.

lost japan  - best books on Japanese historyLost Japan by Alex Kerr

Lost Japan is a book by Alex Kerr that draws on 30 years of the author’s personal experience in Japan. Alex Kerr is an American writer and Japanologist. He was the first foreigner to be awarded the Shincho Gakugei Literature Prize for the best work of non-fiction published in Japan.

Lost Japan is an engaging and informative read that provides readers with a glimpse into a side of Japanese culture that they may not be familiar with. From his initiations into Tokyo’s boardrooms to the hidden valley that became his home – this book is a true love letter to the country of Japan. However, as Japan changes – Kerr is left longing for the Japan of old.

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the samurai  - best books on Japanese historyA Brief History of the Samurai by Jonathan Clements

Japanese history is fascinating, and there are few periods more intriguing than the age of the samurai. In his book, A Brief History of the Samurai, Jonathan Clements explores the origins of the samurai warrior class and traces their development across Japanese history. Clements is a leading expert in Japanese history and it shows as he takes us back to the emergence of the Samurai as a warrior caste in Medieval Japan which continued to be important for the next 500 years.

Jonathan Clements is the author of many books on East Asian history, including biographies of Empress Wu, Admiral Togo, the statesman Prince Saionji and Coxinga, the Japanese-born ‘pirate king’ Whether you’re a history buff or simply curious about Japanese culture, A Brief History of the Samurai is a great read.

hirohito  - best books on Japanese historyHirohito and the Making of Modern Japan by Herbert P Bix

Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan by Herbert P. Bix is a Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Emperor Hirohito of Japan. The book covers Hirohito’s life, from his birth in 1901 to his death in 1989, and discusses his impact on Japanese history. Hirohito was a controversial figure, and Bix attempts to explain his actions and motivations in the context of Japanese culture and history. The book was well-received by critics, who praised its comprehensiveness and Bix’s insights into Japanese culture.

Herbert P. Bix grew up in Winthrop, Massachusetts, and earned his PhD in history and Far Eastern languages from Harvard University. For the past thirty years, he has written extensively on modern and contemporary Japanese history in leading journals in the United States and Japan. He has taught Japanese history at a number of American and Japanese universities, most recently at Harvard, and is currently a professor in the Graduate School of Social Sciences at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo.

sengoku jidai  - best books on Japanese historySengoku Jidai by Danny Chaplin

Sengoku Jidai is a book about Japanese history, specifically the period known as the Sengoku Jidai or the “Age of Warring States.” The author, Danny Chaplin, is a professor of Japanese history at the University of Oxford. In the book, Chaplin covers the major political, social, and economic developments of the Sengoku Jidai, as well as its impact on Japanese society as a whole. He also discusses the major figures of the period, such as Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and how their actions shaped Japanese history. Overall, Sengoku Jidai is an informative and well-written book that provides readers with a detailed overview of one of the most important periods in Japanese history.

daughters of the samurai  - best books on Japanese historyDaughters of the Samurai by Janice P. Nimura

Daughters of the Samurai is a book by Janice P. Nimura that covers Japanese history. The book tells the story of five young women who were chosen to be part of a Japanese delegation to the United States in 1871. These women, known as the Iwakura Mission, played a key role in opening Japan to the Western world.

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The book covers their time in America, as well as their return to Japan and subsequent efforts to modernize the country. Nimura does an excellent job of bringing these fascinating historical figures to life, and her book is sure to appeal to anyone interested in Japanese history or the Meiji period. Janice P. Nimura is the winner of a 2017 Public Scholar award from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the author of the New York Times bestselling The Doctors Blackwell and Daughters of the Samurai, a New York Times Notable Book.

a modern history of japan  - best books on Japanese historyA Modern History of Japan by Andrew Gordon

Andrew Gordon’s A Modern History of Japan is a comprehensive look at modern Japanese history. Author Andrew Gordon offers the finest synthesis to date of Japan’s passage through militarism, World War II, the American occupation, and the subsequent economic rollercoaster.

A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present, Fourth Edition, paints a richly nuanced and strikingly original portrait of the last two centuries of Japanese history. Andrew Gordon is Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Professor of History at Harvard University. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of Japan and its people.

history of art in japan  - best books on Japanese historyHistory of Art in Japan by Nobuo Tsuji

Japanese art is incredibly rich and diverse, encompassing everything from painting and sculpture to architecture and textiles. For anyone wanting to learn more about this fascinating subject, Nobuo Tsuji’s History of Art in Japan is an excellent place to start. The book covers Japanese art from its origins right up to the present day, with particular emphasis on the key movements and styles that have emerged over time.

Tsuji Nobuo is professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo and Tama Art University and former director of Chiba City Museum and the Miho Museum. Tsuji is an authority on Japanese art, and his depth of knowledge shines through on every page. Whether you’re a complete novice or an experienced scholar, this book is sure to offer insights into the Japanese art world that you won’t find anywhere else.

Japanese history is a long and complex story, with roots that go back thousands of years. It is a story of great conquerors and powerful empires, of samurai warriors and geisha maidens, of great battles and beautiful art. Japanese history is also a story of profound sadness and loss, of natural disasters and tragic conflict. For anyone who wants to understand the Japanese people and culture, learning about Japanese history is essential. There are many ways to learn about Japanese history, including the incredible books on this list. However, the best way to learn is by visiting Japan itself and seeing the places where Japanese history happened. From the ancient ruins of Nara to the modern skyline of Tokyo, Japan is a country that is rich in history and well worth exploring.

If you enjoyed this reading list of the best books on Japanese history, you may also want to check out the best books on art history.